4 Business, Organization Culture Analysis


To understand how economies work and how we can manage them and prosper, we must pay attention to the thought patterns that animate people's ideas and feelings, their animal spirits.  We will never really understand important economic events unless we confront the fact that their causes are largely mental in nature.  ...  In fact, the origins of these events are quite familiar and are found in our own everyday thinking.

Animal Spirits - How Human Psychology
Drives the Economy, and Why It
Matters for Global Capitalism (2009)
 by George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller

Rational assessments and actions regarding standard business or organization practices such as market analysis, advertising, pricing, managing production or operation overhead, and establishing staffing and compensation strategies are essential.  However, by themselves, even the best planned and executed standard business activities are sometimes not enough to achieve success.

The ideas, beliefs and values about the enterprise and its products or services held by all the workplace's employees - the culture of the business or organization - and workplace social structure and functions must also be addressed by management, and given equal time and attention relative to more traditional business practices.  Contact MAC and we will send you a concise explanation of MAC's understanding of "organizational structure," "business culture," and related key concepts.

To address this need Migration Anthropology Consultants (
MAC) LLC provides corporate, business, factory and organization workplace social and cultural analysis, including problem identification and solution options.  MAC employs an anthropological approach to the social and cultural characteristics of the workplace that complements, builds on and enhances traditional business/organization management practices.

Atlanta Skyline - Photo by JEL © 


Public or private sector workplace problems may include lower than expected worker productivity, employees or sections working at cross purposes, inferior product or service quality, or lower-than expected profits.

~   Culture Related to Workplace Problems

Problems of low worker productivity and lower-than-expected profit or service/product quality are likely to occur if:
  • the beliefs and values (culture) of a business have not been clearly established;
  • the culture of the business is not effectively communicated to all members of the enterprise;
  • the various beliefs and values of the business culture are not mutually compatible and supportive; or
  • the company's beliefs and values are not shared, similarly understood or otherwise held by a majority of the managers, supervisors and workers.
Often the cultural causes of poor productivity, low profits, sub-par services and products are not easily identifiable from within by members of the enterprise.

The reason is, like members of most social groups, company or organization members, within and deeply invested intellectually and emotionally in the enterprise, find it difficult if not impossible to objectively identify and assess their own ideas about the business or organization, their specific roles in it, or the enterprise's mission and what its leadership values and expects.

~   How MAC Can Help

Migration Anthropology Consultants (MAC), LLC provides on-site experts (anthropologists and other legal, management, and administrative specialists) who conduct research and analysis on how the company's/organization's components are organized, and what cultural beliefs and values support and motivate the enterprise and its activities.
MAC's products include detailed reports of findings with various cost-effective options from which management can choose to effectively address the social and cultural causes of low productivity and lower-than-expected profitability and product/service quality.

MAC also provides training to managers, supervisors and workers regarding business and workplace culture and communication, and problem recognition and resolution.  This training can help a company develop, upgrade and maintain good social structures and effective cultural beliefs and values.

When workplace social structure and cultural improvements are needed this training can also help management choose among
MAC's recommendations and options, and implement them.

Training on workplace culture and communication should be offered to all employees of the enterprise.  This will enhance the ability of all members of the company to identify and communicate problems of workplace social organization and culture.

This, in turn, will enhance management's ability to address such problems before they negatively impact productivity, profit and product/service quality.